Humanity's leap
Humanity's leap to a whole new level of authentic living and leading is causing a stir. While some people choose to ignore the influence of the genetic shift[1] and the emerging of our new DNA success-blueprint, a new group of open-minded, wholehearted, thinkers and leaders is emerging.
These are the people who are conscious, mindful, aware and informed of what is taking place and going on behind the scenes. They have chosen to synergise with and harness the power and potential of these processes. These are our new pathfinders, mapmakers, and way-showers. These are our success stories of the future. This is you and me.
In the meantime, everything is changing. In the previous article, we found that even the definition of ‘success’ is changing. We are coming closer to the truth.
The correct definition of success
We found that the truth about success is that it is all about becoming fully functional[2]. This is the path of the real-me authentic self, encoded as our original BNA success-blueprint. Once you become fully functional the rest in the form of money, status, accolades, positions, and possession, will flow to you. Here the priority is to become fully functional as our original self. Self-awareness is paramount.
Here success is all about having access to what you need when you need it. This level of success includes the ability to create miracles[3]. There is no scarcity mentality.
On the other hand, we have a disconnected, shadow ego-self who believes that success is all about acquiring power positions and financial possessions and gaining accolades in the eyes of others. Here the priority is to survive in the urban jungle. Here we find a lack of self-awareness while acquiring acceptance, power positions, and possessions become paramount.
These are two opposing views.
Different views, different skills sets, different outcomes
The authentic self and the shadow ego-self, not only use opposing mindsets but also use two different skill sets to get what they want and create the world that they feel is right.

Shadow ego-self
We found that the shadow ego-self is disconnected, ungrounded, and primarily self-centred. Shadow ego-dwellers use lies, cheating, power games, corruption, violence, intimidation, manipulation, and abuse to get what they want. Here the main value is self-service.
The reason is that the shadow ego-self needs to protect itself against the truth. The shadow ego-self is a delusional self, created out of misinformation, disconnection, and lies. It will do anything to protect this image. They could even intimidate the opposition with physical, professional, financial, relationship, and/or sexual violence. They are also willing not only to sabotage others[4], but also themselves. Murder is not excluded.
In the article Self-coaching 7, we found that the shadow ego-self is mostly dysfunctional[5] and is even addicted to negativity[6].
With different views, come different skillsets with different outcomes.
The question is, what is the skillset that the authentic self uses to reach the level of ultimate success? What is ‘ultimate success’?
A new mindset with a new success skillset
The true meaning of the word ‘success’ reaches much deeper than just obtaining a goal. ‘Success’ is derived from the Latin word, succĕdere, which means to “follow in a specific order or process”. Success is flow. Success is dynamic action – the process of life. Success is about becoming and remaining functional as the authentic person you were created to be.
The truth about success
The skills we need to get to this level also all come from the root-word succĕdere. These skills and tools are; assess, excess, access, resource, exceed, excel, excellence, process, recess, and all form part of this dynamic, multidimensional, success process. As all come from the same root-word, all are part of “I am functioning as I should” - “I am succeeding as I should". Just imagine - this all comes from just one word - 'succedere'.
This is the truth about success. the rest is just assumptions, perspectives, perceptions, and/or speculation. Ps. We are currently awakening to the real meaning of the words we use. Words have power.
Success is a constant process
Our bodies can only survive if all the processes are constantly moving and in flow. The universe is in constant movement and flow. So are we in constant movement and in flow. There is no permanent arrival point on this success-journey here on Earth. We are on the journey of the soul and constantly moving from one dimension to another. We only find milestones, markers, success symbols, and pit-stops along the way. More about success symbols in the next article. There is no such thing as retirement and/or merely existing. There will always be a purpose to fulfill and/or a service to render.
Mindless living
However, most people are oblivious of their personal, interpersonal, and universal function, purpose, and mission. They are ignorant of who they are and what their authentic function or purpose is. They mostly exist and survive. The reason is when we do not know what our use or function is—abuse or 'absence of use' is inevitable. This is the path of mindless living.
Humanity is at a crossroads.
Humanity is now at a crossroads. The choices are, or you choose the path of mindful self-awareness, climbing the real ladder of authentic success and develop the right power tools – or you join the path of the mindless masses that is currently about 90% of our population. We only need about 20% of new, mindful thinkers to tip the scale in a whole new direction. This group is currently growing. You could be the one who tips the scales.
Becoming fully functional by creating flow
Becoming successful is all about becoming fully functional while maintaining flow. There is no arrival point. There are no restrictions. This includes no age restriction. You need to stay fully functional till the day you die.
You will also understand that it is only the body that stops functioning and dies. The essence of who you are, your soul and spirit, will continue the journey. For inspiring insight into this process, see the inspiring movie, Soul.
Constant movement.

The journey of the soul continues from one season to another, from one level to another, and from one dimension to another. When one season or stage is over, the next season emerges. The DNA ladder of success takes you to a next level and even becomes a porthole to a new dimension with new ladders to climb while new doors open. This is what the genetic shift is all about.
Unfortunately, the shadow ego-self thinks and does differently. Because there are so many blockages, stagnation becomes part of life. When one stage is over, the vision of the next stage gets blocked.
People get stuck. A large majority of people are currently stuck and are merely struggling in a survival mode. The ladder of success of their shadow ego-self took them to a dead end.
The nine major skills to secure your success
Here are the nine main skills and tools to create ultimate success. We can also use the same skills and tools to become unstuck. We can also turn negativity, chaos, and destruction, around and create flow once again, by using these skills and tools. It all comes from one root-word. It all starts with you and me.
For more details, please see Chapter one in the book, New Success DNA[7]. Look out for the upcoming course on How to sharpen your Power Tools for the next level of ultimate success, soon to be released by the Academy for Authentic Living and Leading. In this course, we will go into detail about how to sharpen these tools and skills. This is also the title of our next article.
Here follows a short summary.
9 Must-have Power Tools Tools for your new level of success

Assessment, especially self-assessment is the ability to stand back, be objective, and become the neutral spectator of what is going on. Only then can you mindfully make the necessary decisions and changes. Here you ask the question, what is the truth about this?
Without the ability to become still, stand back and be aware of the situation, people will keep on living mindless lives full of struggle and survival. It is from this dead-end we need to escape.
The first step is to develop the skill of real, authentic assessment that includes being objective. This is not judgment, for that comes from the shadow ego-self. This is an assessment with the focus of making significant changes for the better - first in ourselves. The rest will follow.
Here we start by redefining the self. See short course, redefining self now available at the Academy for Authentic Living and Leading, and get your Daily Power Tools for Power People to help you to redefine yourself while gaining control over the shadow ego-self.
Excess means too much. On the one side, we could have too much baggage, blockages, negativity, brokenness, and barriers that need to be healed and/or left behind, if we want to move forward. Cleaning up, cleaning out, and healing fragmented parts in your life, open new space for new things to enter. Unfortunately, the shadow ego-self cannot let go of its 'stuff'. The authentic self knows that we constantly need to get rid of the clutter.
Excess also means more than enough or overflowing. When you become aware that we live in an abundant universe, you can let go, open the channels, and allow everything to flow to you, in you, and from you to others. There is no lack.
On this new success path, we have to learn that we have access to everything and everyone. The reason is that we are all connected right down to our DNA and a universal level. You can access the storeroom of the universe, of heaven, wherever you are, and whenever you need something. You or, have direct access to everything you need or indirect access where someone will help you to gain access. You just need to sharpen this tool. More about this in the next article.
We all need resources to accomplish what we want and need. Understanding that we live in an abundant universe is the start to opening the doors to all these resources. The kyes to the doors of this abundant storeroom have been given to us as a DNA success-blueprint as an entry code. Our DNA success blueprint is a barcode and functions like the electromagnetic strip on your credit card. When we recover our DNA blueprint we also upgrade our barcode. This opens higher and more doors giving us access to more resources. This is what the genetic upgrade is all about. There is no lack. More about this later.
The time has come to move beyond the mindsets, heart-sets, values, standards, expectations, and programming that others have placed on us. It is time to move beyond mere ego trappings on our soul journey to ultimate success. This is the time to become unstuck and exceed your own expectations, even your wildest dreams. You can only achieve this level when you have an open heart and mind and are connected, centred, and grounded in the universal matrix of abundance.

The word 'excel' refers to our previous step of exceeding, surpassing, and going beyond current expectations or standards. Within the real success process, it means transcending and going beyond our current 'self', while reaching higher heights. It includes a deeper understanding of yourself, irrespective of what is happening in your physical circumstances.
Sometimes difficult circumstances force us to discard all excess baggage and are therefore a God-sent gift. Ps, excel also means going forward and going faster. You can mindfully speed up the success process in your life.
From the previous comes a level of excellence. On this level, you not only surpass your own expectations but your start to shine as you should. However, the shadow ego-self would like to use this tool to outshine, outclass, surpass, or even outrival others to prove its delusional worth.
On our new path of authentic success, we do not measure ourselves by the standards of others. We use universal standards. We use the mind and values of the Creator of creation. This is the only place we will find the truth.
We are however committed to outwit, outshine, outrival, and surpass our lower shadow ego-self. This is what self-coaching is all about. The results will reflect in everything we do. This is a life in service of excellence.
Flow is the ultimate experience of success. Understanding the flow process will help us to create health, wealth, happiness, abundance, and success that benefits all. The choices are, or we with work with the universal process of flow – or we work against it.
Unfortunately, shadow ego-dwellers mindlessly go against the one thing that will secure their health, wealth, happiness, and success, namely flow. This results in struggle, frustration, anger, and in the end, a dead end.
Only the authentic self can achieve this level of excellence. All our wishes, needs, desires, intentions, visions, and dreams can all come true. We can make it happen. We were created to even co-create miracles. all we need to do is to understand the process.
It is a necessary part of life to stop—stand back from all the activity and just rest. Take time out and switch off. During the recess period, various unseen inner processes take place. New information is internalised and is made your own, energy is renewed, new perspectives are gained, and assessments made. New neuro-connections are ignited, stimulating new ideas and plans of action. Most of all, a deeper more transcendent understanding, clarity, and certainty is brought to the fore.
Once we stand back we can objectively assess our achievements. This is not a linear process but a multi-dimensional process of flow. it is constant, ongoing, and never ceases. It is called life. A new day has dawned. It is a new season for ultimate success.

Success has always been associated with affluence7 – the ability to create and maintain a steady flow of resources, money, health, and abundance. We can use the power tools above to not only maintain flow but to create affluence in every aspect of our lives.
There are countless stories of people who have come back from a terminal illness, bankruptcy, disasters, loss, and chaos. When you have a deeper look, you find that they knowingly or unknowingly used all the skills and tools above to turn their situations around. They stopped the struggle and allowed, success, affluence, love, compassion, caring, sharing, and excellence to flow in, through, and from them. We too can turn setbacks into comebacks and fast-forward our success process.
The question is, what will happen if we do not develop and sharpen these nine power tools of real authentic success. The answer is easy. You will not be able to move to the next level. You will stay just where you are and could even be left behind. Don't miss out,
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Read the series of books on Authentic Living and Leading
See all the books on the merging New Success DNA
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Look out for upcoming courses, webinars, masterclasses, and articles.
Catch up on previous articles in the series of articles on Self-coaching.
Self-coaching 1. Self-coaching. 5 Reasons why people are addicted to negativity and how to solve it.
Self-coaching 2. 4 Reasons we sabotage ourselves and how to turn it around.
Self-coaching 3. Self-coaching. What is it and why is it so important now?
Self-coaching 4. How to use the Genetic Shift to boost your life, relationships, finances, and future.
Self-coaching 5. Understanding the genetic shift and how it influences you
Self-coaching 6. How to use the Power Shift to your advantage.
Self-coaching 7. How to climb the new ladder of success.
n the next article, we will focus on, How to sharpen your Power Tools to secure your success in the next season. We will also focus on what ultimate success is and how to create it.
Till next time
Stay safe – stay connected
Brenda Hattingh
References: [1]. See articles: Self-coaching 4. How to use the Genetic Shift to boost your life, relationships, finances, and future. Self-coaching 5. Understanding the genetic shift and how it influences you. [2] See article: Self-coaching 7. How to climb the new ladder of success. [3] Hattingh, Brenda. (2012). Power Intelligence. Mastering your Miracle Mind. Currency Communications Pty. Ltd.: Johannesburg. [4] See article: Self-coaching 2. 4 Reasons we sabotage ourselves and how to turn it around. [5] See article: Self-coaching 7. How to climb the new ladder of success. [6] See article: Self-coaching 1. Self-coaching. 5 Reasons why people are addicted to negativity and how to solve it. [7] Hattingh, Brenda. (2012). New Success DNA. What you should know and how to activate it. Currency Communications. Pty. Ltd.; Johannesburg.